Yulli Mur (Murmur Admin Interface) https://yulli.cleanvoice.ru -- [version history] - Add Ice slice for Murmur 1.4.2 1.6.1116 - Dynamic loading of Murmur slices (you can put in folder new Murmur_(VERSION).dll and it will appear in Yulli version list) - Add slice for Murmur 1.3.0 - Fix show temporary channels in viewer https://bitbucket.org/HarpyWar/yulli/issues/8/temporary-channels-not-showing-in-viewer - Show human readable time instead of seconds for user online https://bitbucket.org/HarpyWar/yulli/issues/13/another-measurement-update - Add feature to send a text message to a virtual server 1.5.1001 - Add base logging into Yulli.log - Removed Ice slices >1.2.4. Actually there was no changes in Murmur.Ice since this version release If your connections are empty then find "" in your servers.xml and replace found row with "v124"" 1.5.1000 - Ice slice for Murmur 1.2.7 and 1.2.8 1.5.999 - Fix display all users in Channel Viewer (there were only registered users) - Add tooltip with detailed info when move mouse on username/channel in Channel Viewer 1.5.990 - Hot fix for display channel viewer, sometimes connection fails - Server name in the program caption 1.5.975 - Channel Viewer 1.4.891 - Ice slice for Murmur 1.2.6 1.4.876 - sort logs ascending by datetime - display local timezone in logs instead of UTC https://bitbucket.org/HarpyWar/yulli/issue/3/log-time 1.4.871 - human readable format for datetime in server logs https://bitbucket.org/HarpyWar/yulli/issue/2/logs-appear-in-an-odd-format 1.4.865 - Increase bandwith value to 140 https://bitbucket.org/HarpyWar/yulli/issue/1/user-bandwith-limit 1.4.864 - Fix bug with wrong bandwith value https://bitbucket.org/HarpyWar/yulli/issue/1/user-bandwith-limit 1.4.863 - Ice slice for Murmur 1.2.5 1.4.854 - fixed error when restore server settings with linked and nested channels) 1.4.846 - fixed bug with dpi scale on windows (when zoom font size >110%) 1.4.845 - fixed bug with long time operation when click on "New virtual server" button 1.4.835 - (hotfix) backward to Ice Engine 3.4.2, cause Murmur doesn't support the newest Ice 1.4.823 - feature to backup/restore virtual servers to xml file - new arhitecture (Ice backend was rewritten) - updated Ice Engine 3.5 1.3.636 - new look of serverlist - feature to cache server list to fast loading on start (useful for slow remote connections); it's recommended if you use to create/delete servers only Yulli, otherwise you will have irrelevant server list. but anyway you can clear cache by unchecking checkbox in the connection settings and reconnect to a server - fixed minor bugs 1.3.528 - select murmur version in connection settings (+1.2.4 support) - slider to change bandwidth value 1.2.450 - yulli is separated for 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 Murmur versions 1.2.444 - fixed saving for welcome message - fixed bug when status tab crashes program if online > 0 - offline servers tagged with [x] 1.2.438 - version check in separate thread (no lag delay on start) 1.2.436 - added error handling on connect "wrong ice secret" (it was always "connection error") 1.2.433 - fixed murmur 1.2.2 support 1.2 - fixed errors, works with murmur v1.2.2 and greater 1.1 - added ssh tunneling support 1.0 - first release (works with murmur v1.2.3 only)